Saturday, July 30, 2016

Day 1 - Introduction and Microsoft Office Word Tutorial

Even if your familiar with computer, learning the basic is important. The morning session in our first day was very exciting, anything about computer related topics interest me. Introduction in MA-106 tells about the importance of information technology, the advantages of it and disadvantages. I learn a lot especially some disadvantages like unemployment, some of function or work done by humans can easily undertake computer with ease, with no supervision and especially no break. A very good for productivity of some businesses  using computer yet some of people will have no work.

By afternoon we tackle in Microsoft Word a graphical word processing program that users can type with. It is made by the computer company Microsoft. The purpose of the MS Word is to allow the users to type and save documents. In today's time I think almost all personal computer user have this software for productivity purposes. It helps a lot of business in documentations.

In the Computer laboratory our professor teach us some helpful tips and tricks about MS Word. I was amaze in some commands because I didn't know the tricks. Even I am expose in computer especially MS Word software it will help me a lot in my future works in making documents. It is really nice to have a sort of review in some application in computer for us to be more productive in our work.


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